
Safety countermeasures for the road and for pedestrians

Designing and building safe, efficient roads in densely populated urban areas is an ongoing challenge for city planners and traffic engineers. As populations continue to grow, it’s more important than ever to design complete streets that are safe for all, particularly vulnerable road users. The FHWA promotes these proven countermeasures to improve traffic safety, calm traffic, provide safe spaces for pedestrians and cyclists, and reduce crashes — all toward the goal of eliminating fatalities on urban roads.

  • Road safety audit icon.
  • Road safety audit

    A road safety audit should be performed at the beginning of any road project to evaluate the safety of the designs, identify safety issues and find opportunities to implement proven safety countermeasures.

  • Variable speed limits icon.
  • Variable speed limits

    Speed control is one of the best methods to help reduce fatalities and serious injuries. Urban centers are starting to implement lower local speed limits to help reduce accidents—and more and more research is showing that lower speed limits alone can lead to declines in crashes.¹

    1. Hu, W. and J. Cicchino (2019). Lowering the speed limit from 30 to 25 mph in Boston: effects on vehicle speeds. Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

3M applications for safer urban roads

In urban areas, there are key locations where road users — including motorists, pedestrians, cyclists, people on public transportation, and people using new forms of micro mobility — come into contact. These areas can present significant dangers, especially to vulnerable road users. Learn more about steps you can take to improve safety and mobility in these areas — and how 3M can help.

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