3M's Code of Conduct booklet

Ethics & Compliance at 3M

At 3M, customers are at the heart of everything we do. Our strong ethical culture to do business the right way gives us the confidence to grow our business anywhere in the world. Our employees know they don’t have to compromise their ethics to do business. Our customers know we are a company they can trust. At 3M, we are committed to do the right thing, every day.

The Ethics & Compliance team is an independent function reporting directly to the Audit Committee of the 3M Board of Directors. This is done to ensure autonomy in reporting so that the compliance team can act independently should an issue arise at 3M.

  • Our Code of Conduct has helped us build a century-old tradition of operating with integrity. 

  • At 3M, we encourage all employees and people who interact with 3M to speak up and raise a concern if you have questions.

Report a Concern or Ask a Question

At 3M, we encourage all employees and people who interact with 3M to report suspected misconduct or ask a compliance question and speak up. It is the right thing to do. Those who report a concern can be confident that they will not be subject to retaliation.