Protecting vital information is your top priority. To help ensure your 3M™ Privacy Filter is authentic, follow the 3M Safe Guard™ process.
Thank you for joining us in the fight against counterfeit products. Knockoffs pose many risks to users — they’re likely untested and cannot be guaranteed to perform as promised. Your sensitive information is at risk, so we want to make sure your purchase is backed by the high standards genuine 3M™ Privacy Filters are known for. That’s why we developed the 3M Safe Guard™ process.
With an authentic 3M™ Privacy Filter, you’re owed a code. On the bottom of the product box, you’ll see a 10-digit secure code and a 6-digit lot code. Both codes should be entered in the corresponding fields on the validation website.
Enter your codes here. A green checkmark means the product is genuine. A yellow or red symbol indicates that your product may be counterfeit.