3M Safety and Inspection Manager

Key Features and Benefits | Connected Safety

Enhanced EHS Compliance Tracking

Every safety culture is built on a foundation of compliance. SIM gives you a direct line of sight to EHS inspections and compliance information so you are always audit- and inspection-ready.

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    • Easily manage documentation, replacement intervals, and maintenance procedures for PPE and safety equipment in use. Attach photos to enhance record keeping.
    • Define, manage, perform and record safety area and housekeeping inspections at facilities and worksites.
    • Use SIM with your existing PPE and other equipment, such as AEDs, forklifts and fire extinguishers. Compatible with embedded RFID tags in 3M PPE and with 3M's retrofit RFID tag kits.
    • Stay on top of inspections whether they’re daily, weekly, yearly or on demand. Track due dates, assign task responsibility, and track results and actions taken to resolve issues.
    • Access selected EHS compliance metrics in real time.
    • See how multiple locations are performing against key EHS performance and compliance metrics.
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"There is a lot of flexibility to the system," says Roberta Reed, EHS manager at the 3M Corona plant. "It allowed us to do things we didn't think we'd be able to do."

Improved Worker Health and Safety

It’s one thing to look up the status of a respirator assignment from your desk. It’s quite another to quickly assess whether the person assigned it has been fit-tested and trained in its use, on demand while in the field. SIM helps give you greater peace of mind.

  • Icon indicating improved safety data with image of workers at height
    • Document and enforce proper PPE assignment rules, such as requiring training or fit-testing before assignment.
    • Keep your workforce up to date on PPE compliance with real-time reporting and look-ups.
    • Manage employee records for medical evaluations, proper PPE sizing, training and more.
    • Get notifications and reminders for scheduled events, like “worker fit test,” and exception events, like “PPE expired.”
    • More easily spot issues that could cause health and safety concerns.
    • Give workers the confidence that their equipment is well-maintained and can keep them safe.
Inspection data displayed on a computer screen
See how RFID-applied technology works to help you keep your workers safer.

Productivity Gains for Health and Safety Staff

SIM helps reduce administrative time and redundancy through improved scheduling and task management. It frees up the time you need to explore new and innovative ways to make your workforce even safer or tackle other important activities.

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    • Configure your workflow to meet different needs in different parts of your operation.
    • Enter information, manage PPE and other safety equipment inspections, and record results through your Android or iOS smartphone or mobile device for higher efficiency and more time on the floor.
    • Quickly access worker, equipment, and work area history and upcoming events with an intuitive, easy-to-use dashboard.
    • Eliminate manual paper and data transfer processes, reducing errors and making audit prep and reporting easier.
    • Rest easy with a high-security software platform, powerful encryption and multi-factor user authentication that helps keep your data safe and secure. See our FAQ for more information on data privacy and security.
    • Configure the system with familiar terms and identifiers; you define the number of users, and control their access and authorize devices.
    • Access data from anywhere over the internet with an easily-deployed, cloud-based system. Instantly connect to data across multiple locations.
    • Easily access and incorporate pre-defined checklists and instructions for popular 3M PPE products as well as other commonly used safety equipment, making it that much easier to properly maintain critical PPE.
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"Now with the system in place, we're able to focus more on leading indicators."

High-value asset tracking

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    Replacement costs resulting from the loss of high-value equipment can cause a big hit to your bottom line. Know who last had your high-value equipment so you can track it down, and enforce accountability within your workforce.

    • Easily inventory high-value assets to help maximize utilization and help ensure they are well-maintained.
    • Track assignment of PPE and other equipment to workers or locations.
    • See equipment assignment history to spot patterns or potential issues.
    • Easily keep track of RFID-enabled products.

Gain valuable insight

It’s never been just about compliance for you; compliance is only the ground floor and you want to do more. The network-connected SIM system gives you ready access to data it would traditionally take days to manually compile, so you can get a clearer picture of your EHS program performance and begin to move the needle on your safety culture.

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    • Analyze data for insights previously hidden in piles of paper or locked in file cabinets.
    • Spot patterns and trends that can help you identify — and fix — process or training issues.
    • Run inventory reports to check PPE compliance, track decommissions, replacement timing, overdue equipment, inspections, decommissions and other topics.
    • Compare departmental performance to identify best practices and opportunities for improvement.
    • Give yourself access to the information you need to make better decisions.

Learn more about 3M Safety & Inspection Manager

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