Advance Electronic Cargo Data Reporting Requirements for Imports

  • ISF Instructions (October 2016)

    This is a change to the previously published Importer Security Filing (ISF) process. A new 3M ISF template has been created for all shipments to 3M and subsidiaries in the US. Use this new Excel Document ISF template (37.8 KB) for all future shipments. Please delete all previous CEVA, DHL and KWE versions and instructions.

    The template has 3 tabs:

    1. 3M ISF Template
    2. Supplier Instructions
    3. Designated Forwarders-Brokers

    Fill out the 3M ISF template tab using the instructions from the Supplier Instructions tab. 3M's Designated Freight Forwarders and Customs Brokers are listed in the Designated Forwarders - Customs Brokers tab.

    If you are shipping via a 3M Designated Freight Forwarder, 3M and subsidiaries in the US require the 3M ISF template + commercial documents to be e-mailed to the Designated Freight Forwarder at time of booking.

    If you are not shipping via a 3M Designated Freight Forwarder, 3M and subsidiaries in the US require the 3M ISF template + commercial documents to be e-mailed to the Designated Customs Broker at time of booking.

    If commercial documents or certain ISF data are not available at time of booking, suppliers must complete and e-mail the ISF template together with the commercial documents after the booking, but no later than 3 business days prior to the container being loaded onto the vessel.

    Commercial documents are defined as the commercial invoice(s), packing list(s) and any other documents normally created for each shipment.

    If you have questions about your shipment, please contact your Designated Freight Forwarder.

    If you have questions about your purchase order you may contact the 3M buyer designated on the purchase order.