Hearing protection & communication equipment

We don't just sell hearing protection products. We're dedicated to the success of your entire hearing conservation program from product selection to workforce training and program management.

Man wearing 3M earplugs and protective eyewear
Is your hearing protection fit for purpose?

We deliver a complete set of tools needed to detect, protect and validate.

two men wearing 3M earplugs and protective eyewear
How to choose hearing protection & communication products

Passive and electronic hearing protection products

3M offers earplugs, earmuffs and protective communications with both active and electronic hearing protection features.

Hearing protection programs and support to help protect workers

Hearing protection products will only help if the right products are chosen, if they fit and work properly, and if workers use them. 3M offers program plans, software and education to help employers.

Find hearing protection that fits your needs

Explore comfortable, fitted PPE—inspired by worker insights and designed to enhance productivity.

Orange patterned background

Need help? Get in touch with our team

Our hearing protection team has years of experience and is here to help you. 


Featured products

yellow mesh with ear plug cad drawing
Roll down not required.

The first earplug with an attenuation rating for a new one-hand insertion method.


Finding and using our hearing protection products