What's time worth to you?

Let's put a dollar value on the time you could save with 3M™ Speedglas™ Integrated PAPR System

A lot of factors go into your production cost. If labor is your biggest piece, then perhaps we can help with that. 3M™ Speedglas™ Integrated PAPR System could help your team be more productive. Based on your company’s labor rate, we can put a dollar value to your potential for increased weld output. How much more could you produce with a more efficient welder?​

  • Step 1: Enter your Current Weld Production Information


    Productivity Calculator for Production Welders

    Input values for the three fields below to model potential revenue gains by implemeting the 3M™ Speedglas™ Integrated PAPR System. You will see demonstrated in the model new daily production values, savings from reducing production cost and a pay back period for implemeting the System.

    All fields are required unless indicated optional
    • Enter Your Welder Employee Pay Rate (Per Hour)
      The US Median Welders pay rate is $17.45 (per hour).*
        Need more info?
    • Enter Your Current Weld Production Per Day (8-hr Shift)
      Weld Production units can vary:
      - Linear Ft. Welded
      - Total Arc Time (Min)
      - Total pounds of weld filler consumed, etc.
      are all suitable measurement units.
        Need more info?
    • Enter Your Productivity Increase Goal (8-hr Shift)
      Select the conservative estimate increase in productivity you feel you could gain from using a 3M integrated welding solution, compared to your current welding PPE system.
        Need more info?
    • How many total welders do you have?

    Welder Employee Pay Rate (Per Hour) : ;
    Current Weld Production Per Day (8-hr Shift) : ;
    Productivity Increase Goal (8-hr Shift) : ;
    Total Welders :

  • Step 2: 3M Difference in Weld Production

    Productivity Comparison: Current Solution vs. 3M™ Speedglas™ Integrated PAPR System

    • Production units per day
      This could be
      - Linear Ft. Welded
      - Total Arc Time (Min)
      - Total pounds of weld filler consumed, etc.
      all suitable measurement units.
      Two stacks of coins
        Show math
    • 3M™ Speedglas™ Integrated PAPR System
      is how long it will take your 3M Integrated PAPR System to pay for itself
      A wall calendar
        Show math
    • Total Savings From all Workers due to Productivity Increases and Reducing Production Cost
      Complete Savings from reducing production cost and productivity increase if all Welders on-site were migrated to 3M™ Speedglas™ Integrated PAPR System
        Show math
      Units Produced Yearly   
      Additional Units Per Year Prodcued   
      Cost per production unit   
      Additional Calculated Savings from Reducing Production Cost Per Unit   
    • Current Welding PPE System
    • -VS-
    • 3M™ Speedglas™ Integrated PAPR System
    • Current Welding PPE System
    • Units Produced Yearly   
    • Cost per production unit   
    • $
    • -VS-
    • 3M™ Speedglas™ Integrated PAPR System
    • Units Produced Yearly   
    • Additional Units Per Year Prodcued   
    • Cost per production unit   
    • $
    • Additional Calculated Savings from Reducing Production Cost Per Unit   
    • $
    • Savings from reducing production cost and increase in productivity (annual $)   
    • $
    • Potential gains in productivity values are approximate, provided for general reference purposes only, and are not guaranteed by 3M. Values are based on information provided by customer and assumptions made in the calculations. Actual results will vary as there are many factors beyond 3M's control and uniquely within user's knowledge and control which can affect the use and performance of a 3M product in a particular application. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information and formulas, no guarantee is given or responsibility taken by 3M for the accuracy of these results or the applicability to a customer's particular circumstances. Actual results may vary greatly.