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Product Advisory 3M PELTOR ComTac VI NIB Headsets

  • Product Advisory
    3M™ PELTOR™ ComTac™ VI NIB Headsets
    Models: MT20H682**-**N

    Dear Valued Customer:

    As part of 3M's ongoing commitment to delivering high quality safety equipment, we are notifying our customers of the following information: 
    In recent testing, 3M discovered that when headset battery levels become too low and the communication microphone picks up a sound, the electronics can create potentially loud interruptive feedback that is broadcasted across the Natural Interaction Behavior (NIB) radio channel on headsets that are within range.  Powering off the headset or removing the batteries may be required to stop the feedback.  This condition has only been detected after the batteries are drained to a level below where the product would have already provided low-battery warning signals.  Users that have turned off headset warning signals will not receive the low-battery warning.  It is recommended that users do not turn off the low-battery signals and change the batteries when prompted, or sooner based on mission requirements.

    A firmware update to correct the potential occurrence of this behavior has been identified and has been implemented at manufacturing in April 2023.  This update will also implement other identified improvements in the firmware.  This advisory does not apply to any other 3M™ PELTOR™ ComTac™ models.  

    Please refer to the details in the advisory linked below to determine if product is affected and next steps.

    ComTac VI Headset Product Advisory - English (PDF, 257 KB)
    ComTac VI Headset Product Advisory - French (PDF, 268 KB)