Person riding a bike alongside a golden cornfield with two wind turbines in the background.

Sustainability strategy

Our Strategic Sustainability Framework

  • 3M’s corporate purpose expresses our ambition to leverage our passion for science to reimagine what’s possible — and it drives and informs our approach to sustainability. As we build on our global capabilities and diverse technologies, we have clear commitments and bold ambitions to shape a sustainable future within our Strategic Sustainability Framework and its three organizing pillars: Science for Circular, Science for Climate, and Science for Community. Within these pillars, we build partnerships, implement projects, and develop processes that move us forward in the areas where we can make the greatest impact.

Our sustainability goals and 2023 progress

  • Our sustainability goals reflect our deepened commitment to going beyond compliance and thinking holistically about how our operations and products affect the world and every life in it.

Science for Circular

  • Icon of a checkbox checked.
    100% achieved

    Goal: Require a Sustainability Value Commitment (SVC) for every new product1

  • Icon of a trashcan.
    10.7% reduction

    Goal: Reduce manufacturing waste by an additional 10%, indexed to sales, by 2025

  • Icon of a hand dropping trash into a trashcan striked out.
    45.9% of sites

    Goal: Achieve zero landfill status at more than 30% of manufacturing sites by 2025

  • Icon of a water droplet.
    19.1% reduction

    Goal: Reduce global water usage by the following amounts: 10% by 2022, 20% by 2025, and 25% by 2030, indexed to sales2

  • Icon of a water droplet with two recycling arrows circuling it.
    Ahead of schedule in installing state-of-the-art filtration technologies

    Goal: For 3M’s global manufacturing operations, help enhance the quality of water returned to the environment from industrial processes by 2030.3,4 Our initial focus is on implementing state-of-the-art water purification technology at the largest water use locations globally and having them fully operational by the end of 2024

  • Icon of three people with a water droplet above them.
    16 identified manufacturing sites

    Goal: Engage 100% of water-stressed/scarce communities where 3M manufactures on communitywide approaches to water management by 2025

  • Icon of a recyclable plastic water bottle.
    69.8 million pounds reduced5

    Goal: Reduce dependence on virgin fossil-based plastic by 125 million pounds by the end of 20256

  • Icon of a hand laying flat with index finger extended and a star above it.
    285 supplier assessments completed

    Goal: Drive supply chain sustainability through targeted raw material traceability and supplier performance assurance by 2025

Science for Climate

  • Icon of the sun with two arrows in a circle pointing into and out of an electrical charge.
    135 million metric tons avoided

    Goal: Help our customers reduce their GHGs by 250 million tons of CO₂ equivalent emissions through the use of 3M products by 2025

  • Icon of a descending bar chart with electrical charge overhead.
    16.4% improvement

    Goal: Improve energy efficiency, indexed to net sales, by 30% by 2025

  • Icon of words CO2 in a circle with arrow pointing down.
    43.2% reduction

    Goal: Reduce scope 1 and 2 market-based GHG emissions by at least 50% by 2030, 80% by 2040, and achieve carbon neutrality in our operations by 20507

  • Icon of a wind mill.
    56.2% renewable electricity

    Goal: Increase renewable energy to 50% of total electricity use by 2025 and to 100% by 2050

Science for Community

  • Icon of a framed certificate with award ribbon hung on it.
    $39.4 million invested

    Goal: Invest $50 million to address racial opportunity gaps in the U.S. through workforce development and STEM education initiatives by the end of 20258

  • Icon of two hands in a handshake of different ethnicities with an educational degree above.
    2.28 million learning experiences

    Goal: Advance economic equity by creating 5 million unique STEM and skilled trades learning experiences for underrepresented individuals by the end of the 2025-26 school year9

  • Icon of the equality symbol.
    100% maintained

    Goal: Maintain or achieve 100% pay equity globally10

  • Icon of a group of people watching someone on a training webinar.
    8.44 million training instances

    Goal: Provide training to 5 million people globally on worker and patient safety by 2025

  • Icon of earth with a checkmark on it.
    108,000 hours

    Goal: Provide 300,000 work hours of skills-based volunteerism by 3M employees to improve lives and help solve society’s toughest challenges by the end of 202511

  • Icon of a globe with a bag of money in front of it.
    $70.2 million invested

    Goal: Invest cash and products for education, community, and environmental programs by 2025

  1. For projects passing a “gate” in our new product commercialization process; an SVC describes how the product drives positive impact for our stakeholders in alignment with our Strategic Sustainability Framework.
  2. Expands our previous commitment, which aimed to reduce water use by 10% between 2015 and 2025. 2019 is the baseline measurement year.
  3. By improving the weighted average of priority constituents, including select metals, BOD, COD, cyanide compounds, fluoride, total nitrogen, oil & grease, PFAS, TDS, TSS, sulfate, and others.
  4. Water used by manufacturing or industrial processes, including all water use not defined as domestic (sanitary, cafeteria, etc.).
  5. During an internal audit, a conversion factor error was identified. The conversion from the unit the products were sold in to pounds was incorrect. Total virgin fossil-based plastic results for 2022 decreased by 16% as compared with the reported totals in the 2023 Global Impact Report published in March 2023. For this reason, values in the 2024 Global Impact Report will not be consistent with previous years' reports.
  6. Established in 2020.
  7. Expands our previous 2025 goal to stay below 50% of our 2002 baseline, meaning 3M’s 2030 scope 1 and 2 emissions will now be reduced by more than 85% from 2002 levels. 2019 is the baseline measurement year.
  8. 2020 is the baseline measurement year.
  9. 2021 is the baseline measurement year. 3M defines underrepresented individuals in the U.S. using National Science Foundation research. For global definitions, we rely on gender diversity and local context for marginalized populations.
  10. Established in 2020 to drive trend and trajectory progress over time.
  11. Goal was initiated in 2019. Skills-based volunteering is primarily delivered through the 3M Impact program.

Learn more in our full reports