Outdoor enthusiasts understand the value of gear that will keep them and their stuff dry. Scotchgard™ Protector has long helped clothing and canvas type shoes stay drier so they can venture out in the rain without fear. The latest addition to the Scotchgard™ Brand family of products features 3M’s first durable water repellant (DWR) formulated without PFCs.
In alignment with changing consumer and industry needs, Scotchgard™ Protector Water Repellent formulated without PFCs is applied in the mill to synthetic fabrics which provides a long-lasting performance. It helps water bead up and roll off and maintains fabric breathability so the consumer stays comfortable in wet or dry conditions.
3M known as a worldwide leader in water repellent treatments for fabrics. Bottom line: when someone is wearing or carrying a product protected by Scotchgard™ Protector, they have the freedom to enjoy the outdoors every season.