3M™ 10B Enriched Sodium Pentaborate

  • 3M Product Number 10B
  • 3M ID B40066324

Tailored isotopic enrichments offered

Standard enrichments vary from 37-96%

Chemical purity requests are available to meet customer specifications

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  • Tailored isotopic enrichments offered
  • Standard enrichments vary from 37-96%
  • Chemical purity requests are available to meet customer specifications
  • May reduce need for costly, time consuming on-site mixing

3M™ 10B Enriched Sodium Pentaborate is a neutron absorber used in standby liquid control systems (SBLC) that flood the nuclear reactor core with a 10B solution in the event of an emergency shutdown. We offer material customization which may reduce the need for costly, time consuming on-site mixing.

3M™ 10B Enriched Sodium Pentaborate (10NaPB) is used in boiling water reactor standby liquid control systems (SBLC) that flood the nuclear reactor core with a 10B solution in the event of an emergency. Elevated safety requirements are driving the inclusion of enhanced shut down scenarios. 3M 10B enriched sodium pentaborate provides an excellent option for evolving safety protocols.

As a neutron absorber used in standby liquid control systems (SBLC), 3M 10B enriched sodium pentaborate is used in support of reactor shutdowns. More specifically, the use of this product is a crucial part of a safety function to control thermal neutrons. Nuclear power plants are required to maintain an adequate amount of neutron absorbing material onsite.

Customizing for our Customers
At 3M we are dedicated to helping our customers find the product to fit their needs. Toward that end, custom enrichments are available for applications that require characteristics above standard product offerings, or where alternative purity is required. This may reduce the need for costly and time consuming on-site mixing of enriched and natural boron materials.

A Leading Producer of Enriched Boron
Importantly, this quality product is created and backed by 3M – a leading global commercial processor of enriched boron. We create this product, and others, at one of the largest boron isotope enrichment facilities in the world. Notably, we focus on manufacturing optimized materials with an emphasis on stable boron isotopes. Our proprietary manufacturing process allows formulations to exceed 99% 10B enrichment. In addition, we offer a proven supply chain, consistent product quality and the ability to custom engineer products for your unique applications. Our specialists are experts at solving materials-related problems in the demanding nuclear industry.


  • Nuclear power plant emergency shutdown systems


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