An Asian man with glasses smiling with a mobile phone in his hand in the office.

3M Application Programming Interface (API) Details

Below is a summary of 3M API applications, details about each app and selected terms of use, and related details on 3M’s onboarding process, security and technical specifications.

3M API applications and Customer Terms of Use

Technical and Project Specifications

1. Onboarding — 3M and Customer required steps

  • Kickoff: (for qualified customers)
    • Orientation
    • API Landscope
    • Use Cases
    • Pain Point review
    • Select of applications
    • Legal and Security sign-off on Terms
  • Functional Review:
    • API functionality documentation
    • Request & Response structure
    • Sample use cases
    • FAQs
  • Testing Access:
    • Provide Client ID and Security Token, URLs for testing
    • 3M technical support or data quality reviews
  • Production:
    • Live launch of data or application
    • 3M technical support as needed
    • 3M will monitor continued use or issues

2. Security

  • OAuth 2.0 for end user authentication
  • AuthenticationURL to be provided by 3M     
    • URL will be different for QA and PROD and provided by 3M at appropriate implementation phase
  • Client ID and client secret to be created by 3M and provided to API consumer
    • Client credentials will be different for QA and PROD and provided by 3M at appropriate implementation phase
  • Token to be passed as bearer token in request’s authorization header
  • All tokenization and configurations for use to be provided by 3M
  • Authentication URL subject to change; any changes will be provided by 3M prior to taking effect
  • Client ID and Secret subject to change; any changes will be provided by 3M prior to taking effect

3. API Specifications

  • API gateway built as RESTful API
  • Request/Response data to be passed as JSON between client and server
    • Request/Response structure for specific APIs being consumed to be provided by 3M
    • Mandatory/Optional attributes to be provided by 3M
  • Error handling scenarios (4xx, 5xx) for specificAPIs being consumed to be provided by 3M
  • All API-specific requirements from client(calling system) to be provided by 3M during implementation
  • API URL subjectto change; any changes will be providedby 3M prior to taking effect

4. 3M support for each API

  • Provide continued PROD support when needed
  • Analyze API Gateway metrics on usability, frequency, etc.
  • Conduct post-mortem with Customer to gain insight into overall API satisfaction, usage, issues, enhancement requests

Get started with API.

API Request Form