Some Tips for Selecting a New Heavy-Duty Welding Helmet

Why change colors? The ability to change colors may help with the ability to see the weld puddle better.

Is Peracetic Acid a Problem? PPE You Should Consider

Peracetic acid, also known as peroxyacetic acid or PAA, is used in numerous applications, including as a chemical disinfectant in healthcare, sanitizer in the food industry, and purifier during water treatment. It’s an often preferred cleaning agent because it leaves no toxic residue and it is no-rinse.[1] Given PAA’s increasing popularity and use throughout multiple industries, more attention is now being focused on health hazards and associated risks when PAA is used in the workplace.[2] Moreover, peracetic acid’s ability to become airborne, the varying concentrations that may be used, and the relatively low occupational exposure limits (OELs) mean that if you

Why Metal-Detectable Earplugs Can be Important in Food Manufacturing

Metal-detectable earplugs can help food-processing facilities quickly identify any food that has been contaminated by an earplug or cord.

The Surge for Tower Climbers to Build a 5G Network

The wireless industry is change, and it is changing fast. 5G, here we come.

An N95 Respirator and a Dust Mask Walk Into a Bar

There is a clear difference between a mask and a respirator.

What are Isocyanates? Respiratory Protection to Consider

The health effects associated with isocyanate exposure can include skin irritation, eye irritation, chest tightness and difficulty breathing; workers should use proper PPE.

Cannabis Industry Safety Concerns and PPE Considerations

Compliance with state OSHA standards requires continual oversight, planning, review and training, in addition to a comprehensive company safety program.

All Virtual Reality Training is Not Created Equal

When considering a VR investment you need to have the right hardware and software that will support your goals and provide an experience that is enjoyable for your workers.

Helping Prevent Accidents Between Forklifts and Pedestrians

Forklift accidents continue to be a concern on many work sites across the globe. The hard and unfortunate fact is forklift accidents result in approximately 20,000 injuries and 100 people being killed a year.1 Let’s explore some ways forklift and pedestrian accidents occur and how to help avoid injuries resulting from these accidents. The top causes of forklift and pedestrian accidents include:2 Operator and pedestrian negligence Speeding/rushing Distractions while operating a forklift or by the pedestrian Poor maintenance Environmental factors Engineering Controls Engineering controls to help prevent these accidents include separation techniques, such as building dedicated pedestrian aisleways, interactive signage,

What is Diacetyl? The PPE You Should Consider for Coffee Processing

Don’t worry. We aren’t here to tell you that you need to give up your coffee drinking. But, there are respiratory hazards coffee roasters and processing facilities should consider.