Synergist Article Recap: Making Sense of Sensors in PPE

Find out more about how wearable sensors integrated into PPE can enhance existing safety program policies, practices, and procedures.

Have You Heard of the ANSI/ASA S12.71-2018 Hearing Fit-Test Standard?

Download our detailed ebook to learn more about the new standard and why voluntary compliance is important.

The Challenges of Construction Noise Exposure

Learn how to protect construction workers from hazardous noise while still allowing them to hear the critical sounds needed to perform their job safely and productively.

Welding a Stronger Workforce Takes Teamwork: ISHN Article

There is mounting research that links strong workplace health and safety programs with less recordable injuries. This month’s ISHN magazine has an article “Welding a Stronger Workforce Takes Teamwork” by our own, Tom Reinholt, a Segment Marketer for Heavy Manufacturing in the US for the Personal Safety Division of 3M.

Welding a Stronger Workforce

This article first appeared on on April 1, 2017 and is reprinted with permission.

3M Celebrates International Women’s Day

Women contribute more to science than you might imagine at first. Today, 3M’s Women’s Leadership Forum (WLF) hosts various events organized to celebrate International Women’s Day and 3M takes active strides to foster inclusion of women at every level of the organization.

A Helpful Guide to OSHA’s New Silica Standard

If your crew works with silica, you’ve probably heard about OSHA’s updated construction regulation that goes into effect starting mid-2017. However, you may not be clear on the details and what it means for your team.

Building a Culture of Safety and Health at Your Worksite

A strong OSH program and culture that emphasizes the importance of keeping workers safe, productive and comfortable can have a great impact on the entire workforce.

Digital Disruption Helps Bring Safer Workplaces

When is change worth it? When it can help save lives? Potentially millions of lives? You’d think so… but when it comes to humans, we’re often reluctant to change our behavior, even when the writing’s on the wall.

Insights That Spark Innovation

Inventors can sometimes seem obsessed. Bursting with energy and passion for their big ideas, they risk losing focus on the customer at the end of the process. And examples of large-scale, costly misses litter the business literature.