What are Isocyanates? Respiratory Protection to Consider

The health effects associated with isocyanate exposure can include skin irritation, eye irritation, chest tightness and difficulty breathing; workers should use proper PPE.

What is Diacetyl? The PPE You Should Consider for Coffee Processing

Don’t worry. We aren’t here to tell you that you need to give up your coffee drinking. But, there are respiratory hazards coffee roasters and processing facilities should consider.

A Quick Primer on USP 800 and Respiratory PPE

Those just getting started or those who have not begun making preparation, these considerations may help make the process more manageable.

Using PAPRs in Clinical and Healthcare Settings

Are you a professional looking to improve personnel safety in the healthcare environment through the appropriate use of personal protective equipment (PPE)?

Welding Fume: A Few Important Things to Consider

If you are not wearing a respirator, or have not been properly medically evaluated, trained or fitted and are using respiratory protection, there is still a chance you are breathing in welding fume.

Volcanoes: Protecting Yourself from Ash, Gases and Other Hazards

While volcanic eruptions are rare, the impact can be severe not just on everything it touches, but on the people living near the volcano.

Why Pick a PAPR?

Respiratory protection is a necessary part of many jobs throughout many different types of industries. Although there may be a higher capital expenditure when choosing to implement PAPRs into an employers’ respiratory protection program, this expense may be justified.

Changes to Certain Intrinsically Safe Standards and How Harmonization Works

Insights for health and safety managers regarding how the latest changes to intrinsically safe standards impact new products.

Growing Worker Safety Concerns in the Medical Marijuana Industry

As more marijuana grow operations open, there are a growing number of workers who are being employed in cannabis production. Have you assessed the hazards as well as health and safety risks that your workers might be exposed to and what personal protective equipment may be able to keep them safe? Let’s explore this issue.

Facing the Fears of Fentanyl Exposure: Protecting Law Enforcement

Fentanyl has been linked to many drug overdoses and deaths. For first responders like police officers and paramedics, accidental exposure to the drug can prove to be quite harmful.