3M is pleased to announce that we have completed the acquisition of Scott Safety from Johnson Controls. By 3M and Scott Safety coming together as one, Scott Safety’s offerings will enhance 3M’s offerings and help protect even more people around the world.
OSHA’s Silica Regulation Enforcement and 30-Day Grace Period – Ready, Set, Start?
On September 20, 2017, the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) sent a memo to Regional Administrators regarding enforcement of the new construction silica regulation 29 CFR 1926.1153. This new rule, originally issued in March 2016, has already been delayed once in terms of the enforcement date going into effect.
Think Coveralls and Breathability Don’t Go Together? Think Again!
Understanding the dynamics of breathability and protection levels in coveralls can help you to choose the right coverall for the application.
Protecting Yourself With Coveralls: Hear From Workers at Hinckley
Workers at The Hinckley Company produce custom yachts, and every detail is of paramount importance. They demand no less from the personal protective equipment (PPE) they use to protect themselves.
Choosing the Right Respirator for Hurricane Cleanup Efforts
The work after a hurricane includes rescue and recovery, demolition and remediation, and construction. Respiratory hazards may be and often are present during each of these phases.
Need Help With Silica Regulations & Standards?
Access our online resource to help learn more about the regulations and access resources and information related to silica. It contains key regulations and regulation updates, videos, fast facts, technical bulletins, infographics, a product selector and more—all curated by certified industrial hygienists and certified safety professionals.
Falling Objects: Protecting Your Workplace From Falling Tools
According to the BLS, there are more than 42.400 “struck by falling object” OSHA recordable incidents every year in the U.S. Are you ready to #StoptheDrop?
Earmuffs: A Key Component of a Hearing Conservation Program
Regardless of your unique workplace conditions, earmuffs can often address a number of factors to help you build a more effective hearing conservation program.
Headsets That Work as Hard as You Do
The 3M PELTOR brand takes pride in understanding occupational communication needs and providing industry-leading, knowledgeable technical service to help you find the right solution for your needs and troubleshoot any questions or concerns you might have.
Stand Up to Falls: Learn the ABCD’s of Fall Protection
A fall at work can be terrible. But, a fall from heights in the midst of an already dangerous job can be devastating. Do you know how to properly inspect your fall protection gear to ensure it is secure, compliant with OSHA regulations and comfortable?