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  Customer Requirements
Electronic Commerce
section 1
Implementing EDI with 3M
Customer Requirements
Supplier Requirements
section 2
3M encourages the exchange of EDI transactions with our many customers. In general, implementation begins with the basic transactions of purchase order, invoice, and remittance advice. Other transaction sets are implemented based on mutual agreement between our customers and 3M.

General recommendations for customer EDI implementations are:

  1. Data must be compliant with the ANSI X12 standard. 3M also supports all major industry subsets (e.g., VICS, UCS, I/C) and EDIFACT.
  2. EDI data is exchanged via a value added network (VAN) in most cases. The VANs that 3M connects with directly are: CommerceNet, GEIS, Transettlements, Harbinger, and Advantis/Sears. Interconnects are used for other VANs.
  3. The current or prior version of the ANSI X12 standard should be used.
  4. Testing of all EDI documents is required before going into production. This is coordinated with the customer by the 3M EC Trading Partner Implementation Group.
  5. The following guidelines are available in the EDI Guidelines section of this site. These are traditionally the most frequently used. Guidelines for other transactions are available upon request.
    • Invoice - 810
    • Remittance Advice - 820
    • Purchase Order - 850
    • Purchase Order
      Acknowledgment - 855
    • Ship Notice/Manifest - 856
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