Hero image of woman clasping hands at chest, sparkling and smiling
Take the first step to a better smile

When it comes to getting the smile you want, start with an doctor you trust – and request that they trust your smile with products manufactured by 3M.

From braces to clear trays, your oral care journey starts here.

You’ve got options.

  • A discreet, removable way to fix your smile. They’re custom-designed and virtually invisible.

  • Translucent ceramic braces blend in with your teeth for a more natural look.

  • Modern braces are smaller and more comfortable than ever before.

  • Braces hidden behind your teeth for a completely unobstructed smile.

  • Transform your smile without damaging your natural teeth.

Hand holding a phone with the 3M™ Clarity™ Smile App on the screen
Try before you buy with the 3M™ Clarity™ Smile app

Before treatment starts, see what you’ll look like with aligners, braces or a diamond grill! Our app allows you to try on orthodontic products on your live smile using augmented reality.

Get the Android App
Get the iOS app

  • Products you can bet your smile on

    Your smile is unique; your treatment should be too. With over 70 years of experience in Oral Care, 3M offers a wide variety of treatment solutions to help you achieve the healthy, beautiful smile you’ve always wanted.

  • Clinician looks at rendering of the mandible on 3M™ Oral Care Portal