When doing the everyday cleaning throughout your home matters as much as sustaining and being kind to the environment, then you should look no further than Scotch-Brite® Greener Clean Non-Scratch Scrubbers.
Sustainably made inside and out without sacrificing durability and efficacy, the scrubber is made with at least 75% post-consumer recycled PET without glue or dyes. And the inside is a sustainable foam alternative made with post-consumer recycled plastic. These long-lasting scrubbers lather easily for an effective non-scratch, greener, everyday cleaning of everything from non-scratch pans and dishes to inside the refrigerator and more.
And in the spirit of keeping things green, Scotch-Brite® Team designed the packaging to be both recyclable and made from 100% recycled content.
Next time you decide to clean, make sure you think green(er).