3M™ Scotch Weld™ Applicator Tip for Edge Fill

  • Part Number NT EF-1
  • 3M Product Number NT EF-1
  • 3M ID 7010352091
  • UPC 00048011987903

For use with 3M™ Low Density Void Filler Adhesives

Fits securely on a round 13 mm OD mixing nozzle

Reduces worker touch time

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  • For use with 3M™ Low Density Void Filler Adhesives
  • Fits securely on a round 13 mm OD mixing nozzle
  • Reduces worker touch time

The 3M™ Applicator Nozzle Tip NT EF-1 was designed for Low-Density Void Filler Edge Fill. This 3M product fits securely on a round 13 mm OD mixing nozzle and can be used with 3M™ Low Density Void Filler Adhesives.

The 3M™ Applicator Nozzle Tip NT EF-1 for Low-Density Void Filler Edge Fill is an exclusive 3M design. This nozzle tip fits securely on a round 13 mm OD mixing nozzle and is for use with 3M™ Low Density Void Filler Adhesives. The NT EF-1 tip helps eliminate process steps, reduces worker touch time and speeds up throughput compared to hand mixing and applying.

Easy Application

Step 1 – Choose the correct mixing nozzle. The Sulzer Mixpac MC 13-12 is for use with Pneumatic Dispenser Sulzer Mixpac DP 400-100 and the Sulzer Mixpac MC 13-24 is for use with Automatic Dispensing Systems.

Step 2 – Cut the mixing nozzle to allow for a good fit of the application tip. When cutting the mixing nozzle tip, be sure to leave one step in place to keep the mixing elements from pushing out of the mixing nozzle.

Step 3 – Align the nozzle. The nozzle divider should bisect the two resin streams.

Step 4 – Attach the mixing nozzle nut.

Step 5 – Assure the correct ratio. Dispense and discard the necessary amount of adhesive to assure correct ratio. The adhesive will show a homogeneous color after the mix of part B and A.

Step 6 – Insert the tip on the mixing nozzle.

Perfect for Use with Low Density Void Fillers
3M has a complete range of epoxy based low density void fillers specified for the aerospace industry. Our low density void filler range is usually used in combination with sandwich structure manufacturing where our product will provide local core reinforcement or durable edge close out. These fillers offer lightweight, extrudable and pumpable filling compounds designed for filling mismatch areas, voids, and reinforcing honeycomb core.

Our in-house technology of glass-microspheres in combination with epoxy technology makes us unique in this market segment providing modern solutions adapted for the aerospace industry applications.

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3M is proud to partner with organizations across the spectrum of aerospace and related industries. Creating efficiencies, reducing process times and lowering aircraft weight is how we execute our never-ending mission to offer best-in-class adhesives, sealants and other products that effectively reduce costs on multiple fronts. Professionals across the industry know the cost-saving advantages of 3M™ Aerospace. Our brand is widely recognized for the highest standards of quality and performance and adds value to the final results. By engineering reliability, longevity and performance into all of our products, we have a history of saving money by reducing waste, rework and time.

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