Surgical site infections

Surgical Site Infections

  • Surgical site infections affect an estimated 160,000 to 300,000 people in the United States each year.¹ These infections can lengthen a patient’s stay, increase costs, and even be deadly.

    3M Medical collaborates with clinical experts to explore the science behind surgical site infections – and how to help prevent them. The result: resources and tools to help your healthcare facility reduce the risks of a surgical site infection.

    1. Anderson DJ, et al. Strategies to prevent surgical site infections in acute care hospitals: 2014 Update. Infect Control Hosp Epidemol. 2014;35(6): 605-627.

  • Perioperative Continuing Education Courses

    Perioperative Continuing Education Courses

    Following guidelines and best practices when caring for patients before, during and after surgery is critical to prevent post-surgical infection. You can take steps right now by accessing 3MSM Health Care Academy’s continuing education courses.

    Share the learning.

  • Connect with Surgical Site Infection Clinical Experts

    Connect with Surgical Site Infection Clinical Experts

    Explore the latest clinical and technical findings that can improve patient outcomes and help reduce infections.