Teaching Hospital and Level 1 Adult Trauma Center, Wisconsin
“…We have implemented the [Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressing] at most facilities we service. [We choose Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressing] because it provides easy application, visualization of insertion site, along with insertion site absorption. The CHG [dressing] provides additional securement which has resulted in a decrease in line dislodgment. We have seen the clinical excellence when [Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressing and 3M™ Curos™ Disinfecting Caps] are utilized in the race to zero infections.”
Large Acute Care Hospital, Florida
“We switched to [Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressing] from another CHG product. Being able to visualize the insertion site while still maintaining a CHG barrier has been amazing! Easy visualization of the site has decreased unnecessary dressing changes and having the CHG integrated into the dressing has improved compliance with CHG product use and scheduled dressing changes.”
Regional Medical Center, Texas
A Q&A with an Infection Preventionist about adopting Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressing.
Q: What do you and your team like most about the Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressing?
A: The ease of everything from the moment you grab the package, to opening up and having everything very detailed and labeled. We had the kit specially made for us and our needs. The markers in the kits were [included based on] feedback from our PICC Team and the nurse[s] love this aspect of it as well. The dressing sticks and sticks well! It is great with hemodialysis catheters as well, which our Dialysis Nurses love…
Q: What tips, tricks and suggestions would you have for new hospitals switching to use the Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressing?
A: It's a no brainer. It's all-inclusive. It's all there [including] extra tape and you don't waste material, because oftentimes, it's one and done! It sticks and sticks down really well! We love it!
Level II Trauma Center, Ohio
“…The number one advantage [of using Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressings] voiced by the staff was the vital ability to assess the insertion site of the central line at all times vs. only once weekly when the disk CHG was in use. Other advantages noted by the staff included:
Community Hospital, Arkansas
“Following an outbreak in our ICU 11 years ago of a very resistant organism that made national news headlines, we created a team to develop best practices around CLABSI prevention…The team, including nurses and physicians, loved [the Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressing] because of the site visibility, and not having to place a disc in the right direction. The dressing has made a huge impact in our patient outcomes. We have been below CMS thresholds for years.”
PICC Team, IV Therapy, Vascular Access, Owner, in Southern Ohio
Watch the video to learn the reasons why one facility uses Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressings.
“…The thing I like most about [Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressing] is the size of the dressing. It gives good coverage. It enables the securement device, including the insertion site, to be covered. Also, the pants [securement tape strip] of the dressing actually prevents the line dressing from coming up and provides good securement. The other thing I like is the CHG pad, the clearness of it, allows you to have a visualization of your insertion site, which is a nice assessment tool. The third thing I like is the water resistance of the dressing. During bed baths, ADLs, things like that, it’s nice and easy to wipe off, therefore preventing saturation of the dressing and causing unnecessary early changing of that dressing...”
Specialized Research Hospital, Florida
“My organization switched to [Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressings] for standardization and streamlining of the dressing change products. [Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressings] allow visualization of the insertion site and the CHG gel pad adheres well to the skin. This has helped decrease central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI). The 3M dressings with a securement device have also helped with decreased catheter migrations…”
Community Hospital, North Dakota
“What we like most about [Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressing] is that you can see your insertion site to monitor it well. Other things we like are that you can peel the layers of the dressing off without any issues. It’s easy to apply and all the pieces are within the dressing, so there isn’t anything else you have to drop on your sterile field leaving less room for contamination.”
“The [Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressing] has helped our patients by staying in place so well, patients end up with less dressing changes and their skin is less irritated from pulling dressings off and re-cleaning…”
Acute Care Hospital, Arizona
Watch the video to learn how Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressings compare to the competition.
“…Ever since we’ve [implemented the use of Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressing], we have been 48 months CLABSI free. Absolutely, positively fantastic for us. We love the product. I can’t speak more highly of it. It’s evidence-based. We went with your evidence; we support your evidence and we love it.”
Level I Trauma and Large Academic Medical Center, South Carolina
“The [Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressing] gives an extra layer of security and [germ fighting] and [it is] very easy to use.”
Community Hospital, Minnesota
“…I can say with certainty that [the Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressing is] by far the best dressing I have seen…[It allows] for easy visualization of insertion sites for frequent assessments of central lines. I can quickly tell whether my line is still in place and whether the insertion site is reddened, swelling, bleeding, or oozing…[I] know it is placed correctly when changing it…I've seen a marked decrease in CLABSI rates at the facilities I've worked in since implementation of [the Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressing].
For any facility considering switching to [the Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressing], I would HIGHLY recommend it. [I have] seen several different dressing options in my tenure, and I'm confident the [Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressing] provides the best option for CLABSI... [This is] the most adherent dressing I've used in my practice, leading to fewer unnecessary dressing changes. Dressing changes are easier and quicker…Nursing staff will be very appreciative of having this tool for frequent infection surveillance because the insertion site is easily visualized. Patients going home with PICCs or midlines will have an easier time assessing their lines from home and aide in CLABSI...”
Acute Care Teaching Hospital, Pennsylvania
“In 2009, our organization created a taskforce for process improvement related to Central Line [Associated] Bloodstream Infections (CLABSI) reduction. Our practice at the time involved the use of a securement device and a traditional [3M™ Tegaderm™ Dressing]. One of the identified interventions to reduce infections was the use of CHG impregnated devices at the insertion site. At the same time, 3M launched the [Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressing]. This novel technology provides the same integrity of the traditional dressing, with the added advantage of CHG protection [and it functions] as a securement device. We were the first organization to evaluate the effectiveness of its securement capacity. Over a decade later, our organization still uses [the Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressing] as the primary dressing for PICCs, ports, CVCs, midlines and ultrasound guided PIVCs.”
“Our unintentional loss of lines, migration, and dressing impairment has not increased from previous technology used. With this and other best practices implemented, we have seen an 85% reduction in CLABSIs across our health system with some campuses having multiple years at zero occurrences.”
Large Academic Health Center, South Carolina
"I absolutely love the [Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressing]…[We have] been using it at our hospital for 11 years now."
IV Services Company reaching 12 states
“…We have implemented the [Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressing] at most facilities we service. [We choose Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressing] because it provides easy application, visualization of insertion site, along with insertion site absorption. The CHG [dressing] provides additional securement which has resulted in a decrease in line dislodgment. We have seen the clinical excellence when [Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressing and 3M™ Curos™ Disinfecting Caps] are utilized in the race to zero infections.”
Community Hospital, Texas
“We use the [Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressing] because it allows us to visualize the insertion site while knowing we are getting the continuous antimicrobial protection with the gel [pad].”
Large Hospital, California
“Over the years, I have liked how the [Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressing provides] great ease of use and securement. The facility I work at particularly likes [Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressing] for patients with coagulopathy issues because of the amount of exudate it can hold, without a necessary PRN dressing change. This also translates to patient…satisfaction because of the increased patient comfort [and] decreased patient anxiety that comes from [reducing] unnecessary dressing changes… I also think our facility believes [the Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressing] to be cost effective, because of lower product usage and labor.”
Large Community Hospital, Washington
Watch the video to learn why one facility chose Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressing and improved CLABSI rates.
“What I like most about [Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressing] is the easy application. It’s a one-step application, you don’t have to touch the insertion site even with sterile gloves and it’s really easy to teach.” - Sharon
Community Hospital, Illinois
“Our department places a large number of central lines in critical care patients. The large surface area of the antimicrobial gel pad on the [Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressing] allows us to cover both the insertion site of the central line catheter and the suture sites on the skin…[The dressing is] easy to use and stays securely in place.”
Regional Burn Center, Georgia
“…We implemented the [Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressing] as part of our toolkit to combat CLABSIs in 2017. We currently have the lowest CLABSI rates in the hospital. Our nurses love this product due to its ease of application, visibility of the central line insertion site at all times, and the impregnated aqueous gel in the dressing that is gentle on the patient’s skin. Utilizing this product in our burn center has become an integral part of CLABSI prevention, improving patient outcomes.”
Large Magnet Hospital, Florida
Watch the video to learn about the benefits of choosing Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressing in IV care.
“…Having a safe and effective dressing for…central lines and PICCs is a top priority. A lot of our patient population goes home with these dressings on. It’s been great when they come back in and the [Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressing Gel Pad] is secured and the line and the dressing itself is in the same place you put it…We’ve seen a decrease in our CLABSI rates.”
Large Community Hospital, Nebraska
A Q&A with a VAT and CLABSI reduction team member
Q: How did you come to use the Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressing?
A: …We reviewed CDC, IDSA, ONS and INS guidelines for use of CHG on our central lines. We also evaluated the CHG products on the market prior to making a decision on what to incorporate into our practices…The support that we received from 3M during this process was outstanding. 3M provided extensive education to the staff, did follow up after conversion and supported us in finding solutions for lines where dressings were difficult to keep intact.
Q: What do you and your team like most about the product?
A: We really like the visibility of the insertion site, the adequate coverage and antimicrobial protection the gel pad provides and the adherence [Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressing] gives to challenging lines and anatomical locations.
Q: How have Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressings positively impacted patient outcomes at your facility?
A: We were able to decrease our CLABSI rate by 50% by bringing [Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressings] into our facility…
Regional Medical Center, Iowa
A Q&A about choosing Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressings
Q: How did you decide to bring Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressings into your facility?
A: …After a review of the 2011 INS standards and the literature, I decided to investigate the benefits of dressing change kits and the use of chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) at the central line insertion site. After sharing the standards and literature review with Infectious Disease providers and nursing administration, I was allowed to continue to investigate kit packers and CHG products on the market. Through supply chain connections, I worked with 3M and the CHG competitor to complete a product analysis with central line patients in selected critical care and medical-surgical units
Q: What do you like about the product?
A: The products had similar clinical performance at the central line insertion site. However, the [Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressing] was superior for several reasons: overall user-friendliness, price and supply chain process for adding to an insertion or dressing change kit. Their product support also made it easy to train the 1500 nurses in the facility, as well as provide troubleshooting and solutions when necessary.
Q: Did you see an impact on patient outcomes?
A: Given my 10 years of experience in the role, I was able to track the longitudinal positive outcomes to CLABSI rates for our central line patient population at the unit and organizational level. With deliberate attempts to only change one process variable at a time, I believe our infection rate data reflected a positive impact of the changes made with CHG dressings, then dressing change kits.
Regional Medical Center, Texas
“The very best feature is the CHG embedded into the dressing. It provides continuous antimicrobial protection to all forms of central lines, decreasing CLABSI rates…When applied correctly, the dressing is easy on patient’s skin. And nurses love it! Dressing change compliance increases and CLABSIs decrease.”
“…The procedure for dressing removal is specific, simple and effortless for all parties involved. 3M is the expert at making life better.”
This content is intended for clinicians. The opinions and testimony in the video are those of the healthcare provider based on their individual clinical experience and research. The opinions and testimony are not indicative of all outcomes and should not be interpreted as a guarantee or warranty for similar results. Individual results may vary depending on the patient’s circumstances and condition. Quotes have been edited for length and clarity.