Upon entering the nursing field 35 years ago, Alicia Lizzi became a pioneer in infection prevention, a specialty that had not yet been explored in Argentina. Since then, Alicia has founded two prominent infection control organizations and contributed to an advisory committee that brought together more than 100 hospitals across the country to address infection reduction.
In addition to her leadership roles, Alicia is passionate about educating and training young professionals who strive to work in the infection prevention field. As a key opinion leader and author, she continues to elevate and improve vascular access care across Argentina.
Jokić, R. CVC Care and Maintenance After Insertion. Received first prize at the WoCoVA 2016 Film Festival. 2016; Lisbon.
Jokić, R., Lipovšek, B. Toksična epidermalna nekroliza, zdravljenje in oskrba ran v kirurški intenzivni terapiji: prispevek na konferenci – Zbornik predavanj strokovnega srečanja. 2010; 117-124.