With more than 33 years of nursing experience in the intensive care unit (ICU) at one of the largest hospitals in Slovenia, Romana Jokić is a national thought leader and consultant in central venous catheter (CVC) management.
Through her efforts to implement globally recognized IV care recommendations and guidelines, Romana’s ICU department recently achieved zero Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infections (CRBSIs). Romana documented their success in a CVC and care maintenance video, earning top recognition from a global vascular access congress.
As a key opinion leader and educator, Romana continues to lead research efforts, embrace new technologies and principles and conduct educational workshops to improve the quality of care and reduce costs in the intensive care space.
Jokić, R. CVC Care and Maintenance After Insertion. Received first prize at the WoCoVA 2016 Film Festival. 2016; Lisbon.
Jokić, R., Lipovšek, B. Toksična epidermalna nekroliza, zdravljenje in oskrba ran v kirurški intenzivni terapiji: prispevek na konferenci – Zbornik predavanj strokovnega srečanja. 2010; 117-124.