Patient Monitoring

Patient Monitoring - One Beat at a Time

When it comes to patient monitoring, you want the best products to give top-notch care. We believe in monitoring your patients right the first time, whether it's listening to their heart beat with a 3M™ Littmann® Stethoscope, giving you a reliable ECG monitoring trace with 3M™ Red Dot™ Electrodes1, or supporting you with educational training, you can count on 3M to be there for you.

1. 3M™ data on file Patient Monitoring Educational Training

  • Red Dot Electrodes
    ECG Electrodes

    You know your patients and we know patient monitoring. Together, we can standardize your electrodes without compromising on product performance.

  • Patient Monitoring Cables Leadwires
    Cables and Leadwires

    Are your leadwires clean? When it comes to patient monitoring, you can help reduce cross-contamination and save time by standardizing on disposable leadwires at your facility.

  • Nurse in circle icon using stethoscope
    Single-Patient Stethoscopes

    Finally, a reliable option for enhancing patient care while helping minimize the risk of cross-contamination.

  • Nurse wearing a 3M Littmann Stethoscope
    3M™ Littmann® Stethoscopes

    3M™ Littmann® Stethoscopes are used by millions of medical professionals around the world who are dedicated to achieving the best patient outcomes. Littmann stethoscopes offer superb acoustic performance, consistently high quality, and outstanding value. Wearing a Littmann stethoscope is an expression of your commitment to medicine, and personal success.

Hot Topics

  • Single Patient Single Stethoscope icon

    New! 3M™ Single-Patient Stethoscope

    Patients in isolation are among the most infectious and can be vulnerable and susceptible to infection. Using a single-patient stethoscope is a recommended isolation precaution that helps lower the risk of cross-contamination.1 A single-patient stethoscope should be used with patients under isolation precautions, stay in the patient’s room while the patient is in isolation, and be disposed of when no longer needed.¹

    Learn more

    1 Siegel JD, Rhinehart E, Jackson M, Chiarello L, and the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee, 2007 Guideline for Isolation Precautions: Preventing Transmission of Infectious Agents in Healthcare Settings.

  • ECG Monitioring Alarms

    Do You Have Alarm Fatigue?

    Recently, there has been a growing concern for patient safety due to alarm fatigue. Some life-threatening patient monitoring alarms are missed due to caregivers becoming desensitized to sounding alarms. Read how proper skin preparation can improve trace quality and reduce ECG monitoring alarms.
