Did you know that nurses can hear up to 700 alarms per patient day?1 Alarm fatigue is a condition where caregivers become overloaded and desensitized to the constant sound of clinical alarms. From 2005-2008, there were 566 patient deaths related to clinical alarms, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).2 With alarm fatigue becoming more recognized, the Joint Commission has required all healthcare facilities to have an alarm management program by January 1, 2016.
Reducing some of the false clinical alarms may help lower alarm fatigue that your nursing staff may feel. 3M can help troubleshoot what factors affect an ECG trace as well as the proper electrode application. These factors may help you reduce false ECG alarms and get the quality trace you're looking for.3,4
Motion artifact is commonly seen on ECG traces. The most likely culprit is muscle movement. Learn how to easily fix this and other commonly seen artifact on ECG traces that can create unwanted clinical alarms.
Reducing some monitoring alarms can be in your control. Before applying an electrode, remember to do the following: clip excessive hair, clean the skin, abrade the skin* and properly apply the electrode.
*Skin abration is not recommended for pediatric patients.