A physician receiving a nudge to provide specific documentation in the EHR

Better physician engagement, better outcomes

A case study with Intermountain Healthcare


Intermountain Healthcare collaborates with physicians to transform CDI efficiency

Intermountain Healthcare’s ambitious CDI initiative required no less than a fundamental paradigm shift in how its teams document patient encounters—moving beyond manual processes and leveraging technology.

CDI leaders collaborated closely with their physician advisor team to integrate workflows, automate routine work, prioritize cases with the most opportunity and expand to all-payer and quality reviews. It partnered with 3M to deliver real time clinical insights to physicians within their normal workflow using 3M™ M*Modal CDI Engage One™ in tandem with the 3M™ 360 Encompass™ System.

The results so far

  • Six circles connecting to a person in the middle of them

    Improved CDI efficiency—with an impact similar to 4.6 additional CDI RNs, providing more time for complex quality reviews

  • Arrow pointing up

    10-fold increase in potential opportunity, as CDI specialists expanded to all payer review

  • Medical files

    Quality impact from added specified documentation and codes that drive SOI, ROM, Elixhauser, and other risk adjustment factors

Decorative background
"Our frontline physicians needed to get up to speed on the ‘why’ of CDI. Getting their engagement was essential to reducing the downstream consequence of documentation gaps, including significant impact on risk adjustment, quality metrics and continuity of care.”

–Dr. Kory Anderson, medical director of physician advisor services and CDI,
Intermountain Healthcare

Download the full case study (PDF, 755 KB)

As with any case study, results, outcomes and/or financial improvements should not be interpreted as a guarantee or warranty of similar results. Individual results may vary depending on a facility’s circumstances.

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