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  4. Tackling disparities through conversations and community partnerships
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    Tackling disparities through conversations and community partnerships


    Male patient in doctor's office, smiling at caregiver

    • At 3M Health Care, we work toward health equity and access by addressing healthcare disparities for minority and marginalized populations around the world. We aim to raise awareness and match 3Mers’ capabilities and competencies to the needs of community-based organizations (CBOs).

      The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations, Sustainable Development Goals affirm: Health equity and access are critical issues and social determinants of health (SDoH) play an important role in addressing these topics.

      To help employees gain a greater understanding of social determinants of health, 3M Health Care, in collaboration with Employee Resource Networks, recently hosted an internal event to discuss the link between structural racism and SDoH with 3M employees. Victor Miranda, M.D., former director of clinical operations and compliance at 3M Health Care, interviewed three 3M HIS experts who shared their insights. The conversation was extremely enlightening, so we wanted to share it with our readers, as we all work to listen, understand and work toward achieving health equity and access.

      Below are a few highlights from our panel of experts:

    “When I think about SDoH, I’m thinking about the non-medical factors that help a person achieve wellness and good health. If they don’t have a job or access to insurance or money for medication, this gets in the way of me being able to deliver the best outcomes.”

    Gordon Moore, MD, senior medical director, 3M HIS

    “To remove a barrier, I need to know that barrier exists in the first place. I can’t solve it if I don’t know about it. For the healthcare system, we need to ask: What are we doing to institutionalize the process of knowing?”

    Katie Christensen, product manager, 3M HIS

    “It’s important to involve community-based organizations in SDoH because they help extend the reach of the healthcare organization. As much as healthcare providers want to help, they don’t have the wide scope to help beyond the healthcare system.”

    Melissa Clarke, MD, physician consultant, 3M HIS


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