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3M Health Care
doctor, young female patient and patient’s mom wearing masks while doctor listen’s to patient’s heart

3M Health Care Today

See how we use 3M Science to make better health possible.

3M Health Care Stories

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  1. Biopharmaceuticals,separation and purification
  2. Adjuvant,vaccine,COVID-19,3M-052,vaccine booster,immune response,TLR
  3. 3M™ Littmann® CORE Digital Stethoscope,Eko software,Eko,3M™ Littmann,Digital Stethoscope
  4. Biopharmaceutical,biopharma,pharmaceutical,purification,filtration,pandemic,vaccine,COVID,coronavirus,treatment,monoclonal ,antibodies
  5. science research,3M State of Science Index,science and health, global health,pandemic,pandemic science
  6. adult braces,adult orthodontics,clear aligners,aligners,esthetic orthodontics,malocclusions,Clarity Aligners System,3M™ Clarity™ Aligners
  7. Normothermia,patient_warming,operating_room,hypothermia,hypothermic,core_temperature,anesthesia,Bair Hugger
  8. Value-based care,value-based healthcare,fee-for-service medicine,healthcare reimbursement,care models
  9. Healthcare consumerism,consumer-oriented healthcare,patient to consumer,healthcare technology,dental consumerism
  10. Whole-person health,Whole-person health care,Whole-person agenda,Integrated care,Coordinated care,Holistic care
  11. Storytelling,change_management,healthcare_management,leadership,communication,leading_teams,healthcare_executive
  • Healing at home: How wound management technology is enabling care outside the hospital

    Caring for wounds is a science and an art that requires specialized training and expertise as well as intuition. As knowledge and understanding evolve, technology to manage wounds is also making leaps forward.

    07/07/2021 Healing at home: How wound management technology is enabling care outside the hospital
  • Sticky science: Using the power of 3M adhesives to make better health possible

    Discover where 3M’s powerful adhesive technology is used to help improve outcomes – from diagnostic devices to the dental chair.

    07/26/2021 Sticky science: Using the power of 3M adhesives to make better health possible
  • Remembering a remarkable 3M scientist: The life and legacy of Paul E. Hansen

    3M scientists inspire, innovate – and invent technologies that have an enduring impact. In this moving tribute by a 3M scientist about her 3M scientist dad, we learn legacies also live on in colleagues, friends, and family.

    01/28/2021 Remembering a remarkable 3M scientist: The life and legacy of Paul E. Hansen
  • Nature publishes article showing the effectiveness of SARS-CoV2 immunization using 3M-052 adjuvant

    As scientists continue to develop new vaccines and boosters for evolving strains of COVID-19, 3M has joined the fight with an adjuvant – a substance used to boost immune responses.

    05/05/2021 Nature publishes article showing the effectiveness of SARS-CoV2 immunization using 3M-052 adjuvant
  • The future of vaccines: How an adjuvant is showing great promise

    Two 3M scientists sat down to discuss their work on developing boosters for vaccines to help avoid future infections by viruses. Learn how a 3M adjuvant is making a difference.

    05/12/2021 The future of vaccines: How an adjuvant is showing great promise
  • The unsung heroes of food safety

    As our consumer awareness grows, and regulation continues to increase, the food industry quickly adapts and finds new ways to make our food safer in more reliable, consistent and efficient ways.

    05/28/2021 The unsung heroes of food safety
  • Ensuring a robust supply chain to meet demand in the biopharma industry

    Learn how 3M responded to the COVID-19 pandemic to help enable production of life-saving vaccines and therapeutics amidst unprecedented demand.

    06/02/2021 Biopharmaceuticals,separation and purification Ensuring a robust supply chain to meet demand in the biopharma industry
  • Why point of care testing is more important than ever

    Point-of-care testing (POCT) helps patients and providers get immediate insights. See how 3M helps bring these devices to life and learn why POCT is more important than ever.

    08/02/2021 Why point of care testing is more important than ever
  • How 3M is using Social Determinants of Health to provide actionable insights about community health crises

    What if data could help improve digital health literacy around COVID vaccines? See why the time is ripe to respond to health crises with data.

    09/02/2021 How 3M is using Social Determinants of Health to provide actionable insights about community health crises How 3M is using Social Determinants of Health to provide actionable insights about community health crises
  • Labor Day celebrations and food safety: putting age-old arguments to rest

    Cari Lingle, 3M Food Safety microbiologist, puts eight commonly-debated food arguments to the test.

    09/02/2021 Labor Day celebrations and food safety: putting age-old arguments to rest Labor Day celebrations and food safety: putting age-old arguments to rest
  • An expert weighs in: How Clinical Documentation Integrity (CDI) could help clinicians avoid burnout

    Dr. Natalia Dorf Biderman, M.D. shares how she’s using clinical documentation integrity (CDI) to help elevate clinician wellbeing and joy.

    09/08/2021 An expert weighs in: How Clinical Documentation Integrity (CDI) could help clinicians avoid burnout
  • Advancing medical treatment with biologics: Q&A with a 3M Health Care biopharma engineer

    Medications with chemical ingredients are still common, but more and more pharmaceuticals now come from sugar, proteins or living cells. They’re called biopharmaceuticals, or biologics, and are becoming more prevalent and advancing the field of medical treatment.

    09/27/2021 Advancing medical treatment with biologics: Q&A with a 3M Health Care biopharma engineer
  • The art and science of wound care: Insights from a nurse

    Kimberly Smith, an RN and 3M clinical specialist, has treated many kinds of wounds – including chronic wounds. Learn how she has seen dramatic results from using wound care technology.

    10/08/2021 The art and science of wound care: Insights from a nurse
  • How hospitals use microbiology to help reduce the risk of infections during your procedure

    When patients head to the hospital, they may take for granted all the steps healthcare facilities put in place to make sure the medical instruments to be used have been thoroughly cleaned and sterilized. Learn how 3M Science can help healthcare facilities use microbiology to minimize risk to patients.

    10/14/2021 How hospitals use microbiology to help reduce the risk of infections during your procedure
  • The power to choose: How 3M Oral Care is helping orthodontists take aligner treatment to the next level

    Learn the exciting science behind our new aligners and how we’re helping orthodontists tailor treatment to patients.

    10/13/2021 The power to choose: How 3M Oral Care is helping orthodontists take aligner treatment to the next level
  • Something to smile about: How orthodontists can partner with patients on the treatment journey

    Patients have many options when it comes to orthodontic treatment today. We interviewed one board-certified orthodontist for her tips on helping patients make informed treatment decisions.

    10/13/2021 Something to smile about: How orthodontists can partner with patients on the treatment journey
  • Beyond funding: A case for the power of people to advance health equity

    See how 3M Health Care is partnering with community-based organizations to address health equity and help more people get the resources they need to thrive.

    10/20/2021 Beyond funding: A case for the power of people to advance health equity
  • 3M Health Care’s Bob Asmus recognized for lifetime achievement in addressing healthcare challenges

    Bob Asmus has been inducted into the Carlton Society – 3M’s highest recognition for scientists – for his leadership in addressing critical patient health challenges, fighting healthcare-acquired infections and improving countless lives worldwide.

    11/02/2021 3M Health Care’s Bob Asmus recognized for lifetime achievement in addressing healthcare challenges
  • 3M Wuppertal team takes action during historic flooding

    When unprecedented flooding hit Germany, a 3M manufacturing team took action to prevent damage and protect lives. Within two short months they were able to resume production to make life-saving products for healthcare. See how their hard work paid off.

    11/12/2021 3M Wuppertal team takes action during historic flooding
  • How bioluminescence helps verify a clean environment for food manufacturing

    Learn how a chemical reaction from living organisms emits light – or bioluminescence – and can indicate contamination in food and on surfaces in food manufacturing environments.

    12/07/2021 How bioluminescence helps verify a clean environment for food manufacturing
  • Fighting the pandemic from all angles: Shared learnings for the future

    As we continue our global pandemic response, healthcare organizations are working together to leverage the lessons learned so far and look ahead to the role the industry must play when a public health crisis emerges. 3M Health Care Group President Mojdeh Poul, along with other leaders, outline key learnings and actions.

    01/19/2022 Fighting the pandemic from all angles: Shared learnings for the future
  • 3M Health Care's pandemic response starts with collaboration

    3M Health Care has played a key role in the fight against COVID-19. Collaboration with peers and governments – coupled with our unique capabilities in science, data analytics and manufacturing – have enabled us to make critical contributions to support healthcare workers and patients.

    12/22/2021 3M Health Care's pandemic response starts with collaboration
  • 3M China recognized for sustainable food safety solution

    When 3M™ Petrifilm™ Plates were awarded the Best Practice for Sustainable Development by the China Animal Health and Food Safety Alliance (CAFA) in 2021 – the recognition shed a light on the sustainable solutions 3M offers. Learn how 3M Petrifilm Plates help food manufacturers achieve sustainable goals and why 3M China is especially excited about the nod.

    12/16/2021 3M China recognized for sustainable food safety solution
  • Therapies and vaccines: Five things to know about the role of filtration in healthcare

    Creating and preparing biopharmaceutical drugs is a complicated process that requires a very high level of purification. Hear from two experts in 3M Separation and Purification Sciences who break it down for us in the What’s Next at 3M podcast. Read some highlights.

    04/19/2022 Therapies and vaccines: Five things to know about the role of filtration in healthcare
  • How 3M Health Care designs products with an inclusive lens

    Matt Zabel, design thinking strategy director, 3M Brand and Design, is inspired by how design thinking can help make healthcare products that meet all needs. Learn why this work is so important – now more than ever.

    04/20/2022 How 3M Health Care designs products with an inclusive lens
  • The new future of evidence-based medicine: Helping clinicians make choices in real time

    Learn why 3M Health Care prioritizes evidence-based research and how it helps clinicians deliver value-based care.

    06/09/2022 The new future of evidence-based medicine: Helping clinicians make choices in real time
  • How eLabeling could help health care organizations minimize waste

    In an industry where single-use products and special packaging are often prerequisites for patient safety – eLabeling may make a big difference for clinicians and the environment. Learn how two 3Mers teamed up to bring eLabeling to 3M health care.

    02/04/2021 How eLabeling could help health care organizations minimize waste
  • Getting a boost: How adjuvants can improve vaccines for COVID-19

    Learn how adjuvants can help boost the immune system and enhance the effectiveness of a vaccine.

    10/29/2020 Adjuvant,vaccine,COVID-19,3M-052,vaccine booster,immune response,TLR Getting a boost: How adjuvants can improve vaccines for COVID-19
  • Living with life-threatening food allergies: What does the future hold?

    Food allergies have been on the uptick in the past few decades. Learn how two families are dealing with severe food allergies and what they’d like to see in the future. Hear from an allergist about currently available treatments and what might be coming soon.

    09/18/2020 Living with life-threatening food allergies: What does the future hold?
  • Listen first: The stethoscope meets digital technology

    3M Littmann Stethoscopes and Eko have joined forces to create a new digital stethoscope that helps clinicians get a clearer picture of patient health.

    10/20/2020 3M™ Littmann® CORE Digital Stethoscope,Eko software,Eko,3M™ Littmann,Digital Stethoscope Listen first: The stethoscope meets digital technology
  • Harvesting proteins to find a vaccine for COVID-19

    Learn how 3M scientists are helping in the fight against the pandemic by working alongside biopharmaceutical companies as they develop and manufacture protein-based vaccines and therapeutics.

    10/07/2020 Biopharmaceutical,biopharma,pharmaceutical,purification,filtration,pandemic,vaccine,COVID,coronavirus,treatment,monoclonal ,antibodies Harvesting proteins to find a vaccine for COVID-19
  • What the 3M State of Science Index means for health

    COVID-19 is shifting the way people around the globe view science – for the better. The 2020 3M State of Science Index (SOSI) reveals that more people believe science plays a critical role in solving public health crises. Learn more about these changing attitudes and what they mean for health care.

    10/07/2020 science research,3M State of Science Index,science and health, global health,pandemic,pandemic science What the 3M State of Science Index means for health
  • Clearing the way for orthodontic patients: How the 3M Clinical Support team stepped up during COVID-19

    Consistency is key for 3M™ Clarity™ Aligner patients. A lapse in treatment could cause teeth to shift back to their original position. Read how the 3M Clinical Support Team sprang into action to prevent treatment delays during COVID-19 closures.

    08/24/2020 adult braces,adult orthodontics,clear aligners,aligners,esthetic orthodontics,malocclusions,Clarity Aligners System,3M™ Clarity™ Aligners Clearing the way for orthodontic patients: How the 3M Clinical Support team stepped up during COVID-19
  • How 3M makes sustainability in health care a priority every day

    3M Health Care uses science to improve lives around the world. Learn more about how we apply 3M's three sustainability pillars to create solutions that are healthy for both people and the planet.

    04/09/2021 How 3M makes sustainability in health care a priority every day
  • Why warmth matters before, during and after surgery

    Hypothermia is something we typically associate with being out in the elements, but when it comes to the operating room, avoiding hypothermia and maintaining normothermia is a really big deal. When patients become hypothermic in surgery, the risk for complications increases.

    03/23/2021 Normothermia,patient_warming,operating_room,hypothermia,hypothermic,core_temperature,anesthesia,Bair Hugger Why warmth matters before, during and after surgery
  • COVID-19 and the acceleration of value-based healthcare

    The transition to value-based healthcare from fee-for-service medicine was stuck in neutral. That is, until the coronavirus came along. Two healthcare reimbursement experts explain why they believe COVID-19 will speed the adoption of value-based care models.

    08/06/2020 Value-based care,value-based healthcare,fee-for-service medicine,healthcare reimbursement,care models COVID-19 and the acceleration of value-based healthcare
  • The National Academy of Engineering elects former 3M scientist, Sumita B. Mitra

    Sumita B. Mitra, Ph.D., former 3M Health Care scientist, has been elected a member of the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) for designing and engineering nanomaterials that have revolutionized dental care worldwide. Learn more about Sumitra’s path to being honored with this award.

    03/04/2021 The National Academy of Engineering elects former 3M scientist, Sumita B. Mitra
  • Safer with science: How microbiology helps monitor cleaning and sterilization

    In healthcare facilities, dental offices and food processing plants, having a cleaning monitoring plan has always been a top priority and will continue to be of utmost importance during and after the pandemic. How do facilities ensure surfaces and instruments are clean? By using microbiology.

    01/10/2022 Safer with science: How microbiology helps monitor cleaning and sterilization
  • Embracing healthcare consumerism during COVID-19 and beyond

    The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak revealed the speed with which patients can change their minds about how and when they access care. Two experts explain how your organization can tap the power of healthcare consumerism to recover faster from the pandemic and thrive in the new healthcare economy.

    08/06/2020 Healthcare consumerism,consumer-oriented healthcare,patient to consumer,healthcare technology,dental consumerism Embracing healthcare consumerism during COVID-19 and beyond
  • Science is better when shared: How 3M and Nissha made anti-fog face shields

    Every day, science helps to create new solutions—and in times of crisis, these solutions are more important than ever. Learn how 3M and Nissha Medical Technologies leveraged the power of science to create a new face shield.

    08/03/2020 Science is better when shared: How 3M and Nissha made anti-fog face shields
  • Importance of whole-person healthcare post-COVID-19

    Treating all aspects of a patient’s health, not just the reason they sought health services, will be essential to helping patients maintain and improve their health status after the coronavirus outbreak subsides. Two whole-person health advocates explain why.

    05/26/2020 Whole-person health,Whole-person health care,Whole-person agenda,Integrated care,Coordinated care,Holistic care Importance of whole-person healthcare post-COVID-19
  • What the COVID-19 outbreak can teach healthcare leaders about effective storytelling

    Hospital and health system execs can learn from the COVID-19 experience and carry it over into their day-to-day management style when things get back to normal.

    04/24/2020 Storytelling,change_management,healthcare_management,leadership,communication,leading_teams,healthcare_executive What the COVID-19 outbreak can teach healthcare leaders about effective storytelling
  • What you can do this week to reduce your healthcare facility’s carbon footprint

    Slowing or even reversing climate change is a global responsibility, and that responsibility begins with you at your healthcare facility. Two healthcare sustainability experts explain why and reveal what you can do about it now.

    01/30/2020 What you can do this week to reduce your healthcare facility’s carbon footprint
  • Avoiding burnout: tips for practicing medicine with joy

    Providing great care to patients is a source of joy for both doctors and nurses. But the list of things stealing that joy away from you seems to be getting longer by the day. You can get it back. How? Three experts reveal their secrets to making the practice of medicine enjoyable again. 

    01/30/2020 Avoiding burnout: tips for practicing medicine with joy
  • A secret weapon in chairside dentistry

    Dr. Steve Ozer explains why a high-temperature sintering furnace may provide invaluable efficiencies for many dentists.

    04/09/2019 A secret weapon in chairside dentistry
  • Plating up food safety

    Three decades ago, microbiologists who conduct food safety tests were introduced to a new, more efficient and accurate way to detect bacteria in foods.

    02/05/2018 Plating up food safety
  • Improving diabetes care one drop at a time

    Learn how one technology is making a host of new diabetes technologies possible

    12/04/2015 Improving diabetes care one drop at a time
  • Tips for diabetic foot care

    With a few practices and tools, you can maximize the health of your legs and feet.

    11/24/2015 Tips for diabetic foot care
  • A term you should learn: MARSI

    Find out how you can reduce the risk of adhesive-related skin injuries.

    10/30/2015 A term you should learn: MARSI
  • Giving little patients something to smile about.

    We’re creating ways to protect young teeth and give little patients the royal treatment.

    06/04/2015 Giving little patients something to smile about.
  • Innovating the humble medical tape roll.

    3M™ Single Patient Tape Rolls are helping nurses treat patients, one roll at a time.

    05/21/2015 Innovating the humble medical tape roll.
  • Tackling disparities through conversations and community partnerships

    See how 3M Health Care is addressing social determinants of health, including raising awareness among employees.

    07/20/2021 Tackling disparities through conversations and community partnerships
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3M Health Care News

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Health Information Systems

Our software and services help deliver accurate health information and payment, so you can focus on improving the patient experience. Learn more about Health Information Systems.

Oral Care Solutions

Innovative dental and orthodontic solutions help simplify procedures and put patients on a path toward lifelong oral health. 

Separation and Purification Sciences

Our biopharmaceutical purification solutions help you increase speed to clinicals and lower manufacturing costs. Learn more about Separation and Purification Sciences.

Medical Solutions

Groundbreaking medical solutions, products and expertise to help improve patient outcomes and reduce the risk of complications. Learn more about Medical Solutions.

Medical Device Components

Our medical device components, films and membranes help enable breakthrough innovations in global health care. Learn more about Medical Device Components.

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