3M Dental Products Purchasing Information

Read about Gray Market & Patient Safety

Order authentic 3M dental products from a 3M Authorized Distributor or 3M Authorized Marketplace.

In the United States, we only sell and deliver our products through authorized distributors and through marketplaces that utilize our authorized distributors.  When you purchase from them, you are protected by our secured supply chain.  You have the power to protect your practice and your patients – only buy from distributors or marketplaces listed below.

Buy 3M Dental Operatory products from these authorized distributors:

Look for our 3M authorized distributors on these marketplaces

Look for our 3M authorized distributors on these procurement partner platforms

These CAD/CAM materials and equipment are available only through the following authorized distributors:

  • Jensen Dental is the 3M™ Dental Authorized Lab distributor in the U.S. for 3M™ Lava™ materials, software, and equipment.

    Place your Lava product calling 800-243-2000 from 8:00AM to 8:00PM EST
    Place your Lava product calling 800-243-2000 from 8:00AM to 8:00PM EST

    Products available through Jensen include:

    Lava™ Esthetic
    Lava™ Plus