Voids are commonly identified as "holes" on the margin of the prepared teeth. Sometimes voids can lead to margins which are incomplete. This can cause short crown margins and/or open margins in the final restoration. Learn common ways to adjust the dental impression procedure to minimize voids.
Visible rips or tears on the margin of the preparation can result in short crown margins and/or open margins. Learn common ways to adjust the dental impression procedure to minimize tearing.
Dental labs report that it is common to receive impressions with obscured margins. This causes the dental lab to guess where the margin ends which can result in a poor-fitting restoration. Learn common ways to adjust the dental impression procedure to ensure margins are sharp.
Minor distortions may not even be visible to a dentist or dental lab. A case with quality margins, fit and function can only be created utilizing an accurate, distortion-free impression. Learn common ways to adjust the dental impression technique to minimize distortions.
Download our comprehensive guide to troubleshooting most common dental impressioning issues, including a bonus section on 10 Golden Rules for Taking Perfect Dental Impressions.
Visit our Dental Impressions page for more information about the types of dental impression materials and the digital impression systems 3M offers or browse our selection of impression materials and equipment.