• Barriers still exist in science, especially when it comes to communication. Many admit that scientists should be using simple, everyday language in scientific discussions and at the same time, they want to understand how science can help them live longer, healthier lives or get better-paying jobs. Scientists who tell stories that lead with the benefits to humanity will connect with their audience.

    This year’s State of Science Index findings around the need for effective science communication have inspired us to make a difference. Our “scientists as storytellers” guide helps people in STEM fields enhance their communications skills, overcome common challenges, and learn how to make science more accessible, understandable and engaging to others.

    Our guide features advice from world-renowned experts in communication—like journalist Katie Couric, actor Alan Alda, and author and former NASA astronaut, Captain Scott Kelly—as well as professional scientists who share proven practices in effective storytelling. Alda has dedicated many years to advancing science communications through the Alda Center for Communicating Science from which about 14,000 scientists have graduated.

    If you’ve ever faced challenges when explaining science to non-scientists, this guide is for you. Download now to see how you can better communicate the innovative work you do.

  • Scientists as storytellers guide  

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