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  5. 3M™ Coding and Reimbursement System Plus

3M™ Coding and Reimbursement System Plus

  • Part Number CRS +
  • 3M Product Number CCA
  • 3M ID B5005024023

Provides a sophisticated, yet easy to use suite of tools that generates accurate, complete and compliant coding.

Supports an average of 3.2% first year case mix index improvement.

Offers improved speed and flexibility using a dynamic user display with immediate access to multiple DRGs and reimbursement data.

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  • Provides a sophisticated, yet easy to use suite of tools that generates accurate, complete and compliant coding
  • Supports an average of 3.2% first year case mix index improvement
  • Offers improved speed and flexibility using a dynamic user display with immediate access to multiple DRGs and reimbursement data
  • Delivers a next-generation coding and reimbursement solution powered by the same coding engine used in the 3M™ 360 Encompass™ System
  • View real-time multi-DRG calculations for financial impact awareness
  • Easy-to-use web reporting
  • Flexible coding with ICD-10 dynamic code building (combined coding logic/PCS tables)

3M™ Coding and Reimbursement System Plus, the next generation coding system from 3M, offers a dynamic user display with immediate access to DRG and reimbursement data, plus a 3M-hosted reporting tool.

An innovative, patent protected coder workflow combines 3M's exclusive logic based coding paths with an enhanced ICD 10 PCS table driven design to help simplify coding and improve coder productivity.

3M CRS+ increases the speed and accuracy of coding by displaying and refreshing multiple DRGs and reimbursement during the code selection process. 3M CRS+ is the top coding software for achieving more accurate medical coding and improving case mix.

More Benefits from 3M Coding and Reimbursement System Plus

  • Increase coder productivity with the immediate display of coding data to facilitate and speed decision making.
  • Complications and co morbidity (CCs and MCCs) are clearly identified and displayed.
  • Coders view multiple DRGs and reimbursement impact, as they are dynamically computed.
  • Leverage ICD 10 training with combined table driven and logic based approaches.
  • Reduce impact on IT resources as CRS+ can easily be deployed as a web based application. This also facilitates remote coding situations.
  • Report on key metrics with an easy to use reporting tool with drill down capabilities, offering standard and customized reporting.
  • Maintain your current workflow processes and consistency with no additional interfaces required.


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